Normally I try to post my blog every Sunday. This week I'm a day late and a dollar short, or something along that line. For some reason, I had a major blonde moment. I had saved the blog in draft mode, but couldn't get back in to edit it. I finally figured it out, so here we go.....
A couple of blogs ago, I mentioned I found a Hungarian language podcast. I posted a comment/question on their forum and I got a response!
- (Dani) Many years ago, I had an extended visit to Hungary and became semi-fluent in the language. Since returning home, I haven’t had the opportunity to speak Hungarian. It’s been great listening to your podcast and quickly “relearning” the language. Question: When I was in Hungary, my “extended” family couldn’t pronounce my name (Danielle) and instead called me Gizzyka (excuse the spelling). Any translation? Thanks!
- (Response) Danielle, I think that they may have been saying “Gizike,” which is a diminutive of Gizella. It’s not a very common name, but one with lots of history. Gizella was the first queen of Hungary, wife of King Istvan I. Perhaps they thought you were of noble blood??
I lived in Hungary from 1984-1986; it's a long story, way too long for this blog. But for over 20 years, I wondered what they were "calling" me. So it was quite a surprise to ready the response. I was expecting something along the line of "crazy-blonde chick". But, they may have thought I was noble!?! Wow!!! LOL!!!
Running: Low mileage this week.
- Monday I ran intervals; a total of 3.98 miles in 35:14. Warmed up with 1 and 1/2 mile in 14:14, then did 2 quarter-mile and 2 half-mile intervals, finishing with a 1 mile cool down run. On Wednesday, I did a 3-miler in 27:17.
- Saturday: First, I finally figured out how to get split times on my Garmin. It's amazing what you find out when you read the manual!!! I ran 6.5 miles in 59:18, my best mile time was mile #4 @ 8:58. The last 1/2 mile, I "semi-sprinted" and did it in 3:45. Overall it was a very good run. I was happy with my split times, my knee really didn't hurt too much, the weather was good, I was in a good mood. Just a really good run :)
- For the week, I only got in 3 runs for a total of 13.47 miles. I should have got in at least 20; but, I'm happy that I got in those 13! Overall, I think I've been pretty darn good (for me) in adhering to my planned training schedule. I'm not going to stress myself out for 1 bad week! Plus, there's 9 weeks till my marathon so I have plenty of time to make it up!
Karate: oops, missed Bugo class!
- I only made it to karate twice this week; Monday and Friday, both "A" days. I didn't get in a "B" (Bugo) day. Oh darn...... Instead, I stayed home Thursday night and made 2 pans of baked ziti; 1 for the pot luck lunch at work on Friday, and the other for the house.
- I got in 2 days of "Extras" this week. I've added squats to my workout. So going forward, I will generally be doing 100 sit-ups, 100 push-ups, 100 round kicks, and 100 squats.
- Overall, it was kind of an "easy" week, which was nice!
Just Another Manic Monday (yep, it was my B-Day)
- Yep, Monday the 24th was my birthday. It's easy to remember; it's always 1 week after St. Patrick's Day! And what did I do to celebrate you ask? Well, I went to work, ran almost 4 miles, and went to karate class. When I got home, Mark and the kids had a cheesecake for me. Overall, nothing spectacular; but that's allright by me! It's not that I'm anti-birthday or trying to hide my age. I believe age is all in your head. And, my head seems to think I'm still in my early 30's (shhhhh, it doesn't need to know the truth!). I just think there are much better things to celebrate other than my birthday. Like my kids' birthdays, Arbor Day, etc. The one exception, of course, will be when I hit the next big milestone. Then I will expect some massive celebration (eg. trip to Ireland). Of course, this means I will have to plan it if I want it to happen....... oh well.......
- I previously interviewed for 2 different pharmacist positions and both said they were interested in having me come in for a 2nd interview. This week I received a call from the staffing agency and the administrator regarding the "teaching pharmacy" position. The administrator said there was some delay in the hiring process and wanted to know if I had a timeline. I advised that I did not.
- I got a call regarding the 2nd position, aka "the director", and a 2nd, phone interview was scheduled. I really do not like phone interviews; I think I have a much better "live" presence. Anyways, the connection was not very good; I had a hard time hearing the questions or comments. When I left the 1st interview I felt very confident; I didn't have that same feeling after the phone interview. The 2nd interview was on Wednesday afternoon. I didn't get a call back on Thursay or Friday, and since I know they want to fill the position quickly, it didn't bode well that I wasn't contacted. If I don't get a call on Monday, I will assume that I didn't get the position.
Well, that's about all for now. I have to save something for next weeks post! Have an awesome week!
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