My daughter Lauren plays softball for the city city of Oakland Park. This year, like last year, she is on the Twisters team. Last years team had a number of good players (including Lauren, but that's my biased opinion!!!). They made it all they way to the championship game, but unfortunately, lost. This year's Twister team struggled with hitting and fielding and had an "average" season. Expectations weren't that high for the playoffs.
This past Monday night was playoff game 1; Twisters versus Cyclones. On the Cyclones was Lauren's BFF Katie. Twisters won the coin flip and were the home team. It was a good game. Final score, Twisters 7, Cyclones 4. Yeah!!!
Thursday night was playoff game 2; Twisters versus Storm. Storm was the "best team", having only lost 1 or 2 games in the season. Storm won the coin flip, so the Twisters were the visiting team. Monday night, the girls played well. But Thursday night, the girls ROCKED THE HOUSE!!! The were catching balls like crazy; they went into a hitting rally; they were amazing. Where was this all season!!! All the parents in the stands were cheering like it was a MLB game. The final score, drum roll please........Twisters 14, Storm 4. The girls were so excited to win; and to get to the championship game.
Friday night, Championship game. Twisters versus Thunder, aka the highlighter team (their shirts are the same yellow color as highlighters). Twisters won the coin flip and were the home team. Both teams were playing well, and at the end of 1st inning, Twisters were in the lead 4-2. Fast forward to the bottom of the 4th inning; Twisters 7, Thunder 5. There were 20 minutes left in the game, so another inning was started. The first batter popped a quick out. But then, they scored 2 runs and the game was tied 7-7. The tension in the stands was intense!!! Lauren then went into stealth mode; she pitched quickly and lethaly, striking out the next 2 batters and the inning was over (whew!!!). Now, to the bottom of the 5th inning. Shannon is up to bat and hits a double. Meghan hits into an out at 1st. That's ok, only 1 out. Next up to bat is Lauren. And, she smacks a hard hit into right field, bringing in Shannon to score. Yeah, Twisters Win!!!! It's amazing how exciting it was, to both the kids and the parents.
It was a bittersweet week. For as much as I enjoyed Lauren's softball, 3 games in a week pretty much shot running and karate out of whack.
I only made it to the dojo 2 times this week (UGH!!). Monday's class was primarily demo practice. We made some changes to the kamaset 2 kata. Wednesday night was exam night. The demo went well and I think Kamaset 2 rocked!! We're at the point in black-belt cycle where the candidates "test" with the examinees. So even though my goal is December (not August), I asked to perform with the other candidates; the performance experience is always good. I did well; a few missteps on a kicking routine, but that's ok. I got to lead Chuck form 1 and I think we rocked it!!!
I have to go through 2 "cycles" to get my 2nd degree black belt. Each cycle is a 16 week interval of HELL!!! (but I love it!!!). In cycle, we are pushed to reach our physical "peaks". One of the main requirements is attendance and committment. Friday night was the 1st black belt "check" (pre-exam). It was also the night of my daughter's softball championship. Both are important to me, but I had to choose. I chose my daughter. She might only have that 1 championship game where she drives in the winning run. And I would feel terrible to miss it. Missing the karate pre-check may push back my goals by a few months, but that's okay!
Only 3 runs this week. Tuesday I got in 4.11 miles in 39:44 (wow, not bad for me!!!). Thursday I ran a quick 2.08 miles in 15:55. Sunday was my long run. I had to make up for missing last weekends run. My thought was to do 14-16 miles and I ended up with 13.82 miles in 2:28:22. Not a great time, but considering it was in the mid to upper 80's, I'm happy with it.
So for the week, I ended up with 20.01 miles. And, 2 weeks from today (Sunday) is my 1st marathon!!!!!! I am getting psyched up. I can do it!!!!
I saw on the Phedip group that the NY marathon was still accepting entries. For some reason I thought it had closed. Anyways, I went ahead and registered. The "lottery" is in mid-June. It would be so cool if I get picked. It would give me an opportunity to go visit my dad in NY. I think my chances are pretty slim; but, I'm keeping my fingers crossed. The biggest problem would be training in the hot weather down here. While treadmills in the AC may work, I can't imagine doing anything more than 5 miles on it.
In my last blog I had a picture of Lauren with the hair she cut off for Locks of Love. This past Saturday I cut off 6 inches of hair. I couldn't grow out the other 4 inches (10 inches is the minimum LOL will take). My hair hit a plateau and wouldn't grow anymore! And, with the running and the heat, the length was driving me nuts!!!! But, now it feels wierd when I wash or brush my hair, it's all gone!!!! It's a girl thing.......
I know I haven't mentioned much about work. So many other things are going on. But, everythings going well. I'm really happy; it was a very good move, lots of good people!!!
Buenos noches!!!!!
Just stumbled upon your blog, and enjoyed reading about the Twisters' fun end to the season! Congrats all around. :)
ReplyDeleteI think 40% of the people who apply to NYC Marathon get in. I tried last year and didn't get in. I applied again this year. If you apply three years in a row and don't get in then you automatically get in the third year. I went to school in NYC and have always wanted to run it. It's supposed to be amazing! I did see Fred Lebow run it before he died. That was inspirational.