It was a nice holiday weekend. I left early from work; ok, only 15 minutes, but that's still early!!! We loaded up the Jeep, stopped for Dunkin Donuts coffee, got a tank of gas, and had to buy a car charger for my phone. But by 6:15, we were on our way to Orlando.
Normally, I don't travel on holiday weekends. It's for the same reason I don't go out on New Year's Eve; too many idiots on the road. But, scheduling and the bowling tourament forced me to deal with these idiots. And from Fort Lauderdale to past West Palm Beach, there was tons of people trying to get out of Dodge!.
We finally made it to Orlando close to 10pm. Of course, it started raining 10 minutes before we made it to the hotel. Which meant we got a bit "wet" unloading the Jeep.
Saturday morning: We did a quick breakfast at McD's. Next, it was back to the hotel for a group picture. Then, off to the bowling alleys. Saturday was the "short" day; only 3 games for Team. Lauren bowled well; all 3 games above her average. Ryan on the other hand; well, let's leave that for another day.
After bowling, we went back to the hotel to change clothes. And then, it was off to Universal Studios. We got to the park and the 1st ride we went to was "The Mummy". The wait was advertised as 45 minutes, but actually was only 30. Ryan was a bit apprehensive and closed his eyes for most of the ride. Next, we went to the new "Simpsons" ride. This was brand new; it only opened this past week. But, there was a wait of 110 minutes. We still went there, but after about 10 minutes in line, we decided to go somewhere else.
So, we left Universal Studios and went to Islands of Adventure. And, the 1st thing we did was go to "The Hulk" rollercoaster. The wait was probably between 45 and 60 minutes. But as always, the ride "ROCKED"!!!!!. Next it was off to "Dueling Dragons". But alas, after a 20 minute wait in line, rain and lightening forced the ride to close. The kids and I took refuge in the gift shop as the sky opening and rain came pouring down. When it finally eased up we headed for the exit. Getting out of the parking garage was torture; definitely not as organized as Disney is.
Sunday morning we went to Cracker Barrell!!!! Love the "mama's breakfast"; 2 eggs, bacon & 3 pancakes. I always ask for Blueberry syrup!! YUM!!! Now, time to bowl. Sunday was team and individual bowling. Lauren bowled with Danielle for team. Lauren did very well and bowled a new personal high score of 166. She didn't do as well for individual, but that's ok!. Ryan bowled with Melissa for team. He bowled under his average for both teams and individuals; he did not have a good bowling weekend!
After bowling on Sunday we drove home. The kids would have like to stay an extra day to go to either Universal or Disney. But, since I am leaving Thursday for California, I wanted to have Monday at home to take care of things; like laundry, packing for Cali, etc.
Tuesday May 27th is Ryan's 11th birthday. The plan was that Mark would take Ryan to BC Surf & Sport shop so that Ryan could pick out his BDay gift. But, Ryan was "whooped"!!! He didn't have a fever, but he said he had a headache, and spend most of Memorial Day in my bed either sleeping or watchintg TV. So hopefully Mark will take him to BC after school on Tuesday.
San Diego Rock & Roll Marathon.......................
1 week to go!!! I got in an 8 mile run this morning (Monday) in 1 hour 24 minutes. I ran around the neighborhood. It was around 80 degree F; and felt worse when the sun popped out from the clouds. I'm planning on runnimg Wednesday night. We have a 2 mile timed run for karate, and that will be my last run before the marathon.
I'm so psyched. I'm going to be running with my sister Yvonne; plus, Alex from karate is also going out to SD to run the race. Plus, from the Phedip group, there seems to be several other runners. So, I will be running with many friends!!! My training could have been better; but, with everything else going on in my life, I'm happy with what I was able to do.
As a previous Phedip poster put it; I have 3 goals
#1 Goal: to finish my 1st marathon
#2 Goal: to finish in less that 5 hours
#3 Goal: to finish ihn less than 4:30
I am excited and nervous!!!! I've never run this distance before. But I am a person who loves a challenge and this is my longest challenge to date!!!! I WILL PERSEVERE!!!!
My next post will be after the race. I want to thank all my friends and family who have been following me on my blog and wishing me well. Thanks!! I have the best friends and family a person could want!!!